Soil and Water Conservation for Forest Management

By admin, 28 February, 2025
Select Project Component
Sustainable forest management
Header Photo
After Mawksiar Pondi SWC activity

Meghalaya State has extremely erosive soil and experiences intensive rainfall. Soil erosion is one of the major contributing factors to forest degradation and sediment disasters in streams and rivers. Therefore, intensive countermeasures for soil and water conservation are necessary alongside sustainable forest management activities in the Project. To support sustainable forest management in the target areas, the Project implements the following soil and water conservation activities as part of Component 1.

SL. No.ActivitySite SelectionSurvey/ DesignConstruction/ O&M
1Bench Terracing (Earthen Structures)SWCD and DPMUSWCDConstruction: SWCD & Communities
O&M: SWCD & Communities
2Earthen/Loose Boulder Contour Bunds
3Earthen/Loose Boulder Box Terracing
4Construction of Check Dam
5Construction of Minor Irrigation Check Dam
6Construction of Conservation Pond (which can be also used for fishery)SWCD (in consultation with WRD*)
7Construction of Conservation Pond/Dug Out Pond
8Construction of RCC Water Storage Tank for Drinking WaterSWCD
9Construction of Spring Tapped Chamber
Event Photos
Soil and Water Conservation for Forest Management3
Soil and Water Conservation for Forest Management4
Pashang after  SWCactivity
Dokongsi C after SWC activity