By admin, 2 December, 2024

In Meghalaya, Village Employment Council (VEC) is the designated body for implementing the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) and has been established in every village across the State. The Meglife Project shall utilize the VECs for implementing the project. A Village Project Implementation Committee (VPIC) as a sub-committee of the VEC shall be constituted with a mandate to guide and supervise the project implementation in the respective villages and to manage the project bank account which will be opened exclusively for the project.

By admin, 2 December, 2024

This component includes the planning and implementation of core forestry operations.

The major sub-components include grassroots planning of forestry operations, implementing forest working plans for individual forest units, planning and developing village-level community nurseries and FED/FD-ADC-managed district-level nurseries, carrying out soil and water conservation measures, managing fire risks in fire-vulnerable forest areas, and developing critical infrastructure for forest management.

By admin, 2 December, 2024

Under this component, the Project aims at promoting inclusive community development and 
improving the livelihoods of people in selected villages. To achieve these objectives, the Project have 
actively involve women and youths in the Project, who have often been excluded from the 
decision-making processes of existing traditional community institutions, as well as introducing 
alternative income sources to people in selected villages and providing them with skill development, 

By admin, 2 December, 2024

Institutional strengthening will be a vital part of project implementation. This includes infrastructure required for project implementation, building capacity of personnel who implement and monitor the Project (capacity building of beneficiaries are discussed in Component 2), system of monitoring and evaluation, and publicity for the Project.


By admin, 2 December, 2024


A delegation comprising 24 VPIC leaders across four blocks and five MegLIFE staff from the Khasi and Garo regions representing each district, embarked on an exposure trip to Tripura from 04th to 08th March 2024. The exposure trip to Tripura, organized as part of the MegLIFE project, aimed to provide representatives from various villages with insights into sustainable forest management and livelihood improvement, drawing from the experiences of the SCATFORM project.